
Well, I made it through mother's day with only two minor break downs. It is hard to believe that a year ago, we were hoping to announce our pregnancy on mother's day. Ha. We had the 4th annual mother's day brunch at our house today, with my mom and MIL. All of the food was good and eaten.

I had my spring concert yesterday. The concert went well and I didn't mess up any of my solos!

The in-laws spend two of their 4 evacuated nights with us. One was planned a few weeks ago and Friday we found out about a few hours ahead. It sure is annoying to have people in your house who do things so differently! They got to go back to their house this afternoon though, so that is good. They never lost power, once it came back after the fire first began. It's hard to believe that 1/3 of their city was evacuated. My uncle (ass) of course decided to ignore the mandatory evacuations and stay in his house. As my other uncle said, "He's an idiot!" I just hope the fire gets totally out soon, before the weather heats up again.

That's it for now. I have more to say, but it is too much for one post.


  1. I loved the clip! Sorry that the in-laws visit was a bit annoying. At least their home is safe.

  2. I know what you mean about how frustrating it is to have people staying with you who do things so differently. We had my ILs last year.

    I love the clip of you playing!

  3. Thank you for sharing the clip - I am SO impressed! I'm sorry your mother's day was difficult, and that you had to deal with ILs for longer-than-expected. Thank goodness their home was OK; it does sound like they're getting the upper hand on the fires after this morning.

    Two years ago my parents moved in with us for THREE MONTHS. Torture!

  4. Cool clip! I Love it! I am sorry you had a rough time of it, but hopefully it will start getting better soon!


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