
I'm nuts, I tell you, nuts!  Seriously!  More on this shortly.

First, my little cutie is nine and a half months.  Ridiculous.  She still doesn't want to crawl, and very much wants to walk.  She is very clingy to me and takes a long time to warm up to people, although she's as social as can be in the ergo or a shopping cart.  It's been interesting.  She is still nursing, but eating more and more solid foods all the time.  She always wants to nurse after solids, so I don't know if they aren't satisfying her, or if she just likes to finish her meals with mama milk.  She is sleeping well.  In fact, she has been sleeping so much recently, I'm  not sure what's going on.  She goes to bed around 8pm and now typically wakes to eat sometime between 2-6am.  She will then go back to sleep, usually until 9am or later!  Sometimes she does wake up twice to eat, and sometimes she does want to just get up for the day at 7am.  She's also just figured out a one nap a day, in her crib for 1.5-2 hours, schedule.  So nice to have some consistency with her!

With the decrease in nursing due to solids and night time, it seems like my fertility is coming back.   I have so many IPS.  I've seriously wondered if I am pregnant.  I have heartburn, and I never had heartburn before pregnancy.  It's not possible, yet the hormones are messing with me.  Not fair!  What's more nuts is that I wouldn't mind it if I were pregnant.  Again, I know it is impossible, but still!  It's all made me think that about how much I want another baby.  I really don't want them spaced less than two years apart-- probably closer to three, so I have some waiting to do.  I have a pretty needy 9 month old (at least compared to my friends' kids) and I want another baby.  Nuts!

We're looking forward to Christmas and spending time with friends and family.  It's hard to believe that 2011 is coming to an end.  It's been a pretty good year for me that has brought on a lot of change.  I wonder what surprises the next year has in store for us!


  1. Emmy, I remember also having a bout of baby fever at around 10 months I think- but like you I wanted them spaced farther apart. The good thing for me is that the baby fever really died down as Teddy got a bit older and I really didn't even want to try again until recently.

    I can't believe she is already over 9 months!!

  2. They are so darn cute at 9 suckers you in =)

  3. So comforting to hear that Cate isn't the only 9 1/2 month old not crawling yet. She wants to stand all day. We're also going through a super clingy stage. I think it's going to make for a rough Christmas!

  4. Hi! Please email me, I have a question for you! :)

    HeatherVonsj (at) gmail (dot) com


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