not really an update

So, yesterday B went to have his u/s and repeat SA. He hasn't really told me much about it, so I assume it wasn't too bad for him. We'll have a follow up appointment next Tuesday to hear the results.

In the meantime, some parenting tips for you! Warning: Drawings of babies ahead!


  1. Fingers crossed that things are good!

    My BIL and his wife gave us that book at a family shower. I think I'll pass it on when they have a baby because I suspect they might need those kind of instructions!

  2. I love that book. I hope the results are better then expected next week!

  3. Good luck on the results meeting next week. Just remember there will be lots of steps in the process, and there is so much that the doctors can do these days (if you so choose).

    Thinking of you guys!


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