
Tonight is the biggest of the OMG, I'm back in high school nights.  I kinda don't want to go, but I will anyway.  The big dilemma is... what to wear. 

I'm going to a bar.  A slightly upscale bar in Hollywood or west Hollywood or something.  I really don't care what I look like, but people have gotten me worried that I won't get in.  I want to wear dark jeans and a cute top, but they say I must wear a dress.  I don't wanna!  I don't have any appropriate dresses for bars.  My dresses are all cocktail/bridesmaid dresses, and I don't know that that works!  I really don't want to be over dressed. 

Can't wait till the night is over.


  1. I hope you have a fun time!! Sounds so fancy - you're going out in Hollywood!!??


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