determination- updated
Since the news of BIL's ex being pregnant, I've gone through a mess of emotions. It is so extra frustrating because so many people warned him that she is the type of person who would stop bcp to keep him, and he didn't believe any of us. I've moved from wishing her ill-will to wishing/hoping/praying for the best possible situation for BIL, whatever way that might play out. It makes me feel like less of a horrible person. I don't think she knew that he's our donor backup, as BIL didn't want to tell her. Whether or not she snooped and found something, or overheard something somehow, I don't know. I only hope that BIL doesn't get stuck with someone he doesn't love for the sake of a child. He and the baby deserve a better life than that. This whole thing has made me even more determined to get pregnant. I know it isn't the best reason, but it's pushed my apprehension to the back burner, and determination to the front. AF should come ...