Get the Stamp!

Well, time to get the stamp and brand DH and me IF. It's official-- I will never get pregnant with DH's seed. DH has no seed. Semen analysis back: count 0.

We heard this fabulous news on New Year's Eve, about 3 hours before people started coming over. The doctor called in the morning with the results, but DH was still sleeping, so I didn't want to wake him. I asked if they could just get me the news, as I would know the right questions to ask and hat the results mean. He said, "there is nothing to be concerned about, I just need to give the results to him and he can share it with you." Uh, excuse me, zero sperm is nothing to be concerned about?? The only time I've been so unsensitively talked to by a health person is when my dad died and the nurse came out and said, "He's really bad." And, the first thing that goes through my mind is, "well, thank God he's not dead!" Turns out I was wrong.

Well, from here, DH has some blood tests for hormone levels and genetic markers. I go for my annual tomorrow. Who knows, I may have issues to boot! From the research I've done thus far, it looks like IVF with ICSI will be our only option, assuming they can find any sperm. DH says he won't consider using donor sperm or adopting. It took him quite a while to get to where he'd agree to have one kid (at about a year into our relationship). I'm worried that we can't afford IVF. Our insurance does not cover any of it, and there is nothing we have saved for it.

What a happy start to a new year.


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