up and down
It's been quite a tumultuous week, filled with some good news, some bad, and some frustrating. Last week was really work intensive- mostly not related to my classroom teaching, and all union business. I probably worked an extra 10-12 hours last week, just on union junk. Most of the time I really enjoy my position in the local union, but last week I had to deal with a lot of dumb people mad at me, even though I'm just the messenger. I did get quite a few compliments for the good and thorough job that I did. The good part of this, is that it looks like my pink slip will be rescinded. I'll know in a week or so. Today, I got really frustrated with my RE's office. I've only met with the RE once, for an hour, for my initial consultation. Everything else I've done for this has been through an outside lab or with the nurses. My frustration comes in that either people aren't writing down what we talk about, or they are not looking in my chart...