up and down

It's been quite a tumultuous week, filled with some good news, some bad, and some frustrating.  Last week was really work intensive- mostly not related to my classroom teaching, and all union business.  I probably worked an extra 10-12 hours last week, just on union junk.  Most of the time I really enjoy my position in the local union, but last week I had to deal with a lot of dumb people mad at me, even though I'm just the messenger.  I did get quite a few compliments for the good and thorough job that I did.  The good part of this, is that it looks like my pink slip will be rescinded.  I'll know in a week or so.

Today, I got really frustrated with my RE's office.  I've only met with the RE once, for an hour, for my initial consultation.  Everything else I've done for this has been through an outside lab or with the nurses.  My frustration comes in that either people aren't writing down what we talk about, or they are not looking in my chart to remember what we'd talked about.  My schedule with everything and when I want to go might be messed up, all because of them not writing things down/remembering/whatever and instructing me accordingly.  I also didn't get a lot of my questions answered, because they were so rushed.

Here's what I want to do... maybe you can help me figure it out!

- I need to take BCP for 10-21 days before starting stims.
- The pills need to start at the beginning of my cycle
- I want to start stims 6/14, which means my last pill would need to be 6/9
- The first pill would need to be sometime 5/19-5/29
- I'm on CD14 right now, just starting some EWCM, 10-12 day LP, AF due 5/7-5/10
- I have 3 cycles of BCP

Do you think I could take bcp for 1-2 weeks after May's AF to make AF come again (in May)?  If I'm trying to suppress, it doesn't seem like it would hurt.  The first nurse I talked to seemed to think this would be fine- no problem messing with things to get it where I want it.  Today's nurse didn't seem so keen on the idea, but she was rushing me out, which also pissed me off.  I don't think I can start them now to mess with it, do you?

The unexpected good news of today is that I have pharmacy insurance coverage for the injectable meds.  A lot of what I need is covered, and will only cost around $250 total.  The PIO is not covered, but the doctor had said before that I can do the suppositories (prometrium), which are covered- just another miscommunication that frustrated me today.

I'm thinking of trying to book an appointment with RE to talk to him.  I know I'll have to pay for it (haven't paid for the nurse appts) but that seems like it might be worth it.  I left the office nearly in tears today, because of this, wanting to cancel the whole thing.  Then I heard about the pharmacy coverage, which made my day.

Thanks for getting through my novel and for any advice!


  1. My RE was the same way...everything done through nurses. After the 2nd IUI I made a consultation appointment directly with the RE to map out treatment and it made me feel a lot better. Might that be possible?

    When I was preparing for IVF they had some people taking BCPs for 30-40 days straight to line up with the clinic timing. I think that might less with your hormones less than taking them for a week, stopping, and starting again.

  2. It's completely not on to not get the level of service and advice that you would expect when going through something as traumatic as this.

    Personally I am a believer that you get what you pay for and as you aren;t paying for the nurse sessions you aren't getting what you need. If you can possibly afford it I would see an FS to put your mind at ease and get your questions answered.

  3. What did you ever decide for the BCPs? I hope that they give you the answers you need!!! I honestly have no idea what is normal protocol. Even though my first RE appointment was 1.5 years ago....I am not really that much more knowledgable!
    GOOD LUCK!!!
    -I can't believe DHs surgery is just a week away!! AHHHH!!!


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