
Thank you all for the compliments on my photos! We feel so blessed to live where we do.

A few weeks ago, I asked you to send sticky vibes to M, who was having a FET. She got a positive today!! I'm thrilled for her and her husband.

Also, thank you all for all of the support you provide me. I'd be lost without you.


  1. Wow! How great for M! I always love to hear when IVF/FET cycles end with a BFP. Congratulations to her!

  2. YEAH!!! I am so happy for M. That is awesome. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing that. I bet she is glad to have you with her during this process. I will keep on sending the "stick around" vibes!!

  3. Here from ICLW... good luck with your journey. It's filled with so many twists and turns. It's good to have a great community around who can relate. have a great week!

  4. Congratulations to M!

    New to your blog, loved the pictures you shared. That vista is absolutely breathtaking!


  5. I haven't been on in awhile so I wanted to say Hi! Hope all is well with you and Congrats to M!!! That is such wonderful news!!!

  6. ICLW. I don't know if this would apply in your situation - but have you heard of the supplements for men that increases sperm motility. Now, if your husband has no sperm, what about sperm aspiration - where they can actually retrieve sperm from the testes - is surgery an option? Please find out your options, hubby might wince at the thought of it, but us women are so much better at this! Good luck!

  7. That's wonderful! Congrats to M!

    ICLW #34


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