happy hour?

So, I met a long time friend for a drink tonight. She and I became friends in 8th grade-- so quite a while ago. We had many fun adventures in high school. After freshman year of college, we started drifting apart, but have remained friends through the years. I maybe see her 4-5 times a year now, so not often. It was fun to catch up with her, but some of the conversation was strained.

"I have a question for you, that is a little...."


"sort of..."

Ok, well, then you'll understand if I don't answer or whatever

"Sure.... are you having fertility issues?"

Uh.... what would make you ask that?

"Well, you mentioned on facebook something about going to the doctors. And you left a comment on some video of someone's baby that they are lucky. And, I can tell that you're not that happy."

Uh.... ok. Yeah, we're having difficulty conceiving.

"Is it anything that can be fixed? I know how much you want kids."

We don't really know anything yet. One step at a time.

"Has this put a strain on your relationship with B?"

Not at all. Through all of this, he's been so wonderful to me. I would think that we are stronger now than ever.

"That's great. Hey, maybe if you do get laid off, that would be a great time to do whatever needs to be done to have a baby!"

Haha, if I get laid off, we aren't making our mortgage payment, let alone affording fertility treatments of any sort. Bartender, I'm ready for another margarita.

I didn't give her any more details than that. It is already more than I wanted her to know. She felt really badly for us and was practically in tears. I coudn't change the subject fast enough. Perhaps I need to be a bit more careful with some of my remarks!


  1. Well, on the positive side, at least she came out and asked you instead of gossiping about you or dropping strange hints. But, I can't believe she said that being laid off would be a good time for making-babies. What?!? People just do not get it.

    I think you handled it REALLY well. Thank god for margaritas.

    We're in CA and my husband is a teacher too. This is just awful; I'm so sorry you have to worry about your job on top of everything else.

    Take care!

  2. ...another reason for me to consider dumping facebook. Wow. Well, at least she asked you head-on I guess. I'll buy you a margarita!

  3. Hey Emmy!
    I wanted to Thank You for your comment. It stinks, hard core, so I say get yourself checked out as soon as you can..no surprises.

    I am sorry for you that you had to deal with such awkwardness, but I totally agree that you handled it with grace. Good Job! I most certainly would have started crying. :0) We all know how hard it is talking about it (somehow it continues to make it "real" when new people find out)

    Keep the margaritas flowing!!!


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