Do you believe?

in ghosts? Or, spirits from beyond our existence, or whatever? How about a 6th sense of sorts, like psychics being able to predict the future. Or astrology? I know, I know... it's kind of weird.

When I was a child, I some how decided that my dad was going to die when he was 52. I don't know why. I would have been 19 when he was 52. He was 47 when he died-- 3 weeks from 48. An astrologer who I worked for many years ago (child care) gave me a free astrology chart interpretation about 6 years ago. She saw either my brother or one of my dad's brothers dying in late 2008. I remembered this and took it to heart, because she told me that everything looked good until then, which it mostly was. Mid January, I remember thinking about this prediction and thanking anyone listening that it didn't come true. Less than two months later, it did. Yes, it was outside of '08, but not by much.

We have some family friends who have a friend who believes that she can contact spirits/people who have passed. Our family friend talked to this lady after my dad died. He said that it was creepy because in the tape recording, his voice changed and he sounded like my dad. Well, this same lady said that my brother was in shock, and unable to cross over. She also gave two names and asked if they meant anything. One name is my aunt, who was horrible to my brother when he was a kid. She was a total bitch to him and took her own kids side over his, even though he was 5+ years younger than her kids. Apparently, since Jeff died, she has felt haunted. Like someone is tormenting her-- blowing air in her face, etc. The other name the lady gave was one of his friends. I talked to this friend tonight, for the first time. He said that he had a dream about Jeff, and that he said that he is fine and that everything is good. He said that he races cars all day and is having a blast (my brother had a thing for cars and trying to build the fastest one possible).

It's all just a little weird. I want a 'paranormal' experience with my brother. I had one with my dad. I just home that my little Jeffy-poo is doing ok and is happier now than he was in this plane of existence.


  1. I believe in paranormal beings for sure. I read about them as much as I can. I can't wait to go to a psychic and have my palm read.

    I have a very strong 6th sense. My Mom and older sister have it too. It's kind of creepy with my older sister because it's almost like we can channel each other. We buy the same exact things, but in different stores ALL the time. Everyone jokes that we share the same brain. With my Mom, I'll call her and she'll say "I was just about to call you" or "That's odd, I was just thinking about you" and I only called because something inside me had this sudden strong urge...

    My Dad has visited me a few times - in my dreams and in present day (the smell of cigarettes and mouthwash appear out of no where when I'm completely alone - sometimes it's a cigar, we used to smoke stogies together).

    They say that between the hours of 2-3AM is when the most paranormal activity occurs - I have to agree. Right after he passed, this is when my Dad came to visit the most.

    I'm sure you're brother is doing great and I'm sure he'll send you the sign you need to know that he's ok soon... {{{HUGS}}}

  2. ...and my Dad was 47 when he died too... that really really pisses me off.


  3. I personally havn't experienced anything- but I totally believe. I have a strong 6th sense about somethings that people find creepy. I also dream about things before they happen- it gets muddled b/c I am ALWAYS having dreams about all sorts of stuff that are just regular dreams.

    It all made so much more sense to me after reading Allison DuBois' book Don't Kiss them Goodbye. She is the lady the TV show Medium is based on.

    I believe- keep looking for that sign/ that communication. Keep talking to him. He will hear you.

  4. I 100% believe and all of my experiences have been through dreams as well. Shortly after my brother died he came to me in a dream. He didn't talk to me he was just smiling and happy..that is how I knew he was okay. I also went to an incredible medium/psychic who has been dead on with everything. I wish you luck..just keep thinking about it. When he can, I am sure that he will communicate with you.


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