
The scene:  Another work baby shower

Coworker shoves other coworker's 2.5 month old baby in my arms. 

Oh, you're such a natural!  When are you going to have kids?

Um, I don't know... we'll see what happens. 

You're so lucky, you're young and can start popping out kids whenever.  It's so hard loving kids as much as I do and knowing you are not going have another one.  People say in a year, I may want to have another with <new boyfriend> but I'm 40 already, I don't think I'll really want another.  It's just so sad to think that I'll never have another baby.  9 year old son and 7 year old daughter will be it. 

Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind. 


  1. Ugh! Why do people never think about what they say before it pops out of their mouth?! ((HUGS))

  2. I'm sorry, that sucks! Is there any way you can get out of all these work showers? It might save your sanity!

  3. People are stupid...period.

  4. Ugh.Clearly a lot of people just don't get it.

  5. UGH is right. How insensitive can people be. What does that say about her two beautiful children. Aahhhh. Thanks for offering to donate notecards. I could use them as the prize for my next essay/blog entry contest.
    Let me know what you think


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