
I have a 'fun' weekend planned.  I will be defending my silver medal in a grape stomping contest in wine country in central California (yes, Ella, that wine country!).  There is lots of pressure for a repeat performance, and I feel like I am coming down with a cold!  I have to stomp my heart out for a minute or two at a time!  It doesn't sound like much, but it is like an all out sprint in half a wine barrel.  Last year, there were 72 teams in 6 heats of 12.  We won our heat, and went on to the finals.  The six heat winners competed again, and we came in second.  One person is in the barrel stomping and the other is keeping a screen over a hole in the bottom of the barrel clean for the juice to drip out.  The first to 4 cups of juice wins.  I'm not really looking forward to it.  I kinda don't want to go.  I hope it will be fun though.  It has potential for both good and bad.  Potential for SIL and BIL's gf drama.

 SIL stole prescription meds from my purse last weekend.  I'm thinking of replacing the pills with vitamins or laxatives or something and putting in a little note.  I don't know what to say though.  If you think of anything good, please let me know.  I'm leaving at 8:15am pacific tomorrow.  I could use a good zinger! 

WIsh me luck!  I'm going for gold this year!  (and I need to survive 24 hours with psychos)


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time! It sounds like the perfect thing to get your endorphins flowing. I always feel better when I somehow manage to get my butt moving. Your SIL...A total loser obviously...How bout laxatives that look like the pills? If you put a note in there she won't take the laxatives. Or, you could just put a note in to show her how much of a loser she really is...Maybe that would teach her that what she is doing is wrong. Sorry, I am not good with zingers, or I would tell you one! Let me know what happens!

  2. Have a great time! Sounds like it could be fun, hope you find that you enjoy it after all. So jealous that you live so close to *that* wine country!

  3. Did you defend your title? I hope you had a great time!

    As for your SIL... sheesh. I think the laxatives are a great idea!

  4. Emmy - My BIL did the same thing with the pills in my purse, I had switched out a couple of the bottles though and he ended up with diuretics instead of what he wanted....OOPS. I suggest replacing them with something mostly harmless and a little bit mean, and then telling her you did it as soon as you notice that they're gone. Tell her that someone had stolen the important ones when you left your purse at the grocery store (that's why I switched mine around) so that she doesn't feel like it's pointed at her.


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