half a year

It's been half a year since my brother died. 6 months. It feels like no time has past, yet March feels like forever ago. It is hard to reconcile. I still think vividly of sitting in my classroom getting that phone call from my mom. The panic, as I ran out on my students (of course, telling the teacher next door to cover my class until someone could get there).

His birthday is coming up. That's going to be a hard day. And, the holidays.

It doesn't help that I hate going to work now. 168 more days of school. I need something to look forward to.


  1. I'm sorry that your hurting Emmy. I'll be thinking about you

  2. Oh I am sending you a big hug.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it is. It's something that does get easier with time, but it's always hard, especially on special dates.
    There's not anything that anyone can say to really help the pain, but just know that there are people who are thinking about you and wishing you the best.

  3. I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose a brother, and at such a young age. I hope that you can find something to look forward to. I am sorry that you are hurting.

  4. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Thinking of you.


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