new advice, and potentially another doctor

One of the things I do to add to my income is tutor. I can make quite a bit of money in a fairly short amount of time tutoring. One of the moms is an ob/gyn. She had asked me questions in the past about my plans for kids, etc. and I gave her the standard brush off, we'll see type answer. She told me to let her know if I ever needed anything in that area, as I was helping her son, and she wants to help me.

The other day, I gave her a short run down of our situation. She is going to talk to the RE she recommends patients to and see what he thinks about our situation. She said she will also try to get me a discount if I go there. I can't find the doctor online, but don't really have his name. She also had some good ideas about how to help B deal with donor spe.rm. Or, at least some other thoughts. It will be nice to get another opinion for free.

I kinda wanted to see another doctor, since the two that I did see had such different plans. I'm hoping for a more balanced approach! Unfortunately, this one is a little farther than I wanted to drive. Oh well. I am just glad I have so many choices.


  1. That sounds awesome!! Sometimes it is good to 'know' people, and have connections. People are put into our lives for different reasons.

    As far as driving- don't let that be a total limiting factor. The RE we are going with is 4 hours from us...when there is one 5 miles away. It is who works best for you (money, comfort, etc.) We will be able to get labs, etc. down here- which will help.

    Of course that is if we ever do anything....if you have read my blog lately, you know we are stagnant.

  2. That sounds wonderful, and you are so lucky to have someone with such knowledge that wants to help you! I am looking forward to seeing how she helps you and what her RE says.


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