civic duty

I have been busy this week doing my civic duty as a juror.  Well, at least sitting in the courtroom as a potential juror.  Where I live, when you get jury duty, you only report for one day, unless you get on a case.  My time was up, so I went.  I was one of the first groups to be called up.  After going up to the courtroom, I found out that this case was a big one, as they had tried to seat a jury the day before, but didn't.  I sat in courtroom, listening while juror after juror was called up and dismissed.  It seemed we would never be done. 

The day came to an end, but the jury was not complete, so we all had to go back again the next day.  I was not a happy camper about this, especially since I knew I would be dismissed if I made it to a juror seat to be interviewed.  My hope at this point was that I would get called up early in the day so I could be dismissed. 

Finally, they seated the 12 jurors and called 3 people up to be interviewed as alternates.  I was one of the three (there were only 10 of us in the audience at that point from the 70 that started, so chances were high).  I got all shaky and started talking about my fear of criminals because of the car jacking.  Judge asked if I was upset right now, and I told him I was a bit bit upset and that this brings up all of my feelings from before.  He asked if I would be okay sitting there for a week or two, to which I responded, "not unmedicated,"  which got a laugh out of everyone, and I was dismissed. 

This was a violent case.  Lots of talk of things that scare me- guns, shootouts, gangs, etc.  When I got home, I noticed someone walking on the hill behind my house.  This doesn't happen often.  He looked like he might have been wearing a uniform, but it was too hard to tell.  I did my normal getting home things, and expected to see the guy past my house at this point, which he wasn't.  I went inside and looked out a back window, and saw him looking at my house through binoculars.  I am so freaked out by this.  I walked to another window to take a look, and he was gone.  

Nothing makes any sense, other than that the guy was casing the place, looking to break in.  I've been having a really hard time with all of this sense then.  I am not happy being home alone, nor am I happy when I am away from home.  I feel like I should be here to protect my house, but alone sucks.  I'm keeping my phone close by. 

It's always something!


  1. This all sounds very scary. Sitting on that jury would bother me as well. I love your "unmedicated" comment.

    Please be very careful with the guy who was looking into your house with binoculars. I know...not much you can do so it is kind of stupid of me to day that, but just keep your eyes open. I was burglarized when we were first married, and the guy had been casing our apartment for a few days before he did anything. For the next few years, I made sure to have an alarm on my home. Now that I moved, I don't have one, but when I think about how they stole everything, I want to go and get one.

    Maybe that guy was birdwatching or something? Would that make any sense?

    I am sorry that your past few days have been so hard.

  2. Holy crap. YIKES!!! You should get some lamps on timers set on random times in different rooms throughout the house- that helps ward off crimnals. When I used to live alone in an apartment complex that had some break-ins- I put a tv in the back bedroom on a timer at night. I also had a friend just "drop by occasionally when i was at work to shake things up.

    I am glad you got dismissed from the trial. that would be stressful.

  3. Totally crazy...definitely be very careful. I can see why you'd be freaked out by the jury duty, but ESPECIALLY the guy on the hill! I think that would freak anyone out! Hopefully it's just something stupid, a misunderstanding, but best to be careful and take precautions, just in case! Thinking of you...

  4. That is freaky. We had some break-ins on my street a few weeks ago. Someone apparently watched as people left for church and then broke into their house. I started taking careful note of everyone/all cars outside my house when I left and making sure they saw that I was looking around. They don't want to break in to a house if they know the owner saw them.


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