The update

We didn't get anymore embryos.  But, 6 of the 7 that we had the other day are doing well.  They didn't give them a grade or anything, but said that 6 are doing really well and the doctor is pleased.  I'll get my transfer time tomorrow.  I hope those 6 keep thriving!

In other news, I need something to do!  I've been pretty bored the last few days.  I don't know how I'm going to make it through the 2ww!


  1. Hi Emmy,
    I've been following your cycle with so much excitement that i think it showed up in my dream the other night. I dreamt that i was pregnant after an IVF cycle - it was awesome!

    I highly recommend a day at the spa, to pamper your body so that your body can pamper those little cells. Or maybe you could watch whole seasons of tv shows that you missed the first time around. I tend to clean as a way to clear out nervous energy, and I have a few friends whose houses need cleaning when mine is spotless. Shopping might be a another distraction. I love cooking new recipes, but when I'm distracted, being in the kitchen isn't always the best idea.

    Rach at Going for It has employed a Project Distraction that I think is brilliant. She has friends lined up everyday to keep her busy and distracted.

    Let us know what you figure out as the best distraction strategies!

  2. Emmy! I'm so sorry about 0 sperm on the TESE, but 6-7 good embryos sounds great. I can't even imagine what you guys are going through and it seems like such a whirlwind right now. I am thinking of you and will be praying for your transfer and success!

  3. 6 is still pretty awesome! Good luck!

  4. 6-7 embies is great!!! Luckily the 2ww is a little shorter w/ IVF. For me it helped the time pass to make lunch or dinner plans w/ friends.

  5. Awesome news. Six is great. You could have 4 left to freeze!

    I vote for spa day too! If you are too sore (ovaries still large) to lay on your stomach for a massage a facial is a nice alternative. Or mani/pedi. I got my toes done right before ET so I wouldn't have ugly feet!!

  6. Yay for SIX! It's a lucky number :)

    And I agree -- you deserve a day at the spa!!

  7. Wow, Emmy. I'm so excited for you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope it all goes well!

  8. Crossing my fingers this is it, Emmy! Good luck today at the transfer! Get ready to meet your bright lights!

  9. Emmy this sounds very positive. Hope they are growing brilliantly.

    As for distractions, watch some of your favourite telly shows or movies. Visit friends or get them to visit you. Read all the blogs you can lay your hands on. Read a book - I find this always helps me to be in a different head space so busy reading about someone else's life I forget about my own. Try a new hobby, card making, sewing, stencilling, scrapbooking, gardening, cooking whatever.

    Good luck will be holding thumbs for you.

  10. Emmy, I just caught up on your whole week. So sorry that they didn't find any sperm from DH, but I'm SO glad that you now have 6 healthy embryos--that will work out to 3 possible "tries" with IVF, right? Hopefully the first one/two take and you have a lot of options for siblings, etc.


  11. Yay!! Big hugs & I hope the little embies continue to thrive...and on into your uterus where they will grow for 9 long, healthy months!


  12. How exciting Emmy!!! I really hope this is IT for you! You are in my thoughts and I'll be praying for a successful transfer.

  13. Best of luck to you! I hope your 2ww goes by quickly and ends with a BFP!!


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