My life has been filled with fear for a long time. It's hard to pin point when exactly it started/escalated, but I know it was there towards the end of summer 2008 when I decided there was something wrong with our TTC efforts. Once we got the azoospermia diagnosis, the fear really sunk in. The specific fears have morphed over time and changed as we've passed different milestones. Some fears have been realized and we have luckily passed through some. I know that the fears will only change form again and be amplified when our little one is here. One of my fears now, that has been manifesting in my dreams is feeding her. In the dreams, I haven't been able to breastfeed, or she hasn't taken to it, or I forget to feed her for a day or two, or I don't see her for a couple of days and my milk dries up. These dreams come several times a week! Before we started our cycle, my MIL got me a Saint Jude pendant. We are not religious people, but I ...