
Sorry for my absence.  This school year has been kicking my butt.  I don't really have tons to say!  Nothing is really going on.  Yesterday we had an assembly at school, and when the whole room was chanting together, baby would totally start moving!  It was really funny and cool for me.  

I've started loading up on baby gear!  I have quite a few coworkers with young children who are done having kids.  THeir husbands have wanted them to get rid of things, so we now have a crib, a swing, a pack-n-play, an activity mat, an exersaucer, a changing pad, and a vibrating chair thing.  There's probably more that I'm forgetting.  I've also started my cloth diaper supply.  I think we are set for up to 20 pounds or so!  I'm hoping to get more one size AIOs though.  I've also gotten a few clothing items for this baby.  Not too many, but I just had to get a couple of things!  

How Far Along? 
 18 weeks

Total Weight Gain?  1-3 pounds, depending on when I last went to the bathroom.  

Symptoms? Random hunger and filling up fast when I do eat!  

How Big is Baby?  Baby is about the size of a sweet potato.  She is about 6 inches long, from top of the head to butt and about 8 ounces in weight.  

Baby is developing her senses of smell, sight, taste, and hearing.  She can hear things outside 

Sleep? Still walking up too early in the morning!  I'm often tired, but get too uncomfortable to sleep for long stretches of time

Best Moment Last Week? Feeling more sure of baby's movements!  

Movement? Yep!   

Food Cravings? Tomato-saucy things and cheese- lasagna, pizza, pasta, etc.  

What I am looking forward to? Seeing baby again on the 22nd

I'll try to do a belly pic this weekend.  I feel like it hasn't really changed.  People keep telling me that they can't believe that I am 18 weeks because of how little I'm showing!  I feel like the bump has totally grown though.  


  1. Glad to to hear you and sweet potato are doing well! 18 weeks! Wow that went by so fast.

  2. Happy to hear you are doing great and your little one is doing great! It's so fun to start feeling the movement =) Start your bump pics now when it's not much, that way you can see it really grow! I didn't start showing until around 23 weeks but once you do it's a wild ride.

  3. Happy happy 18 weeks!! Okay, I GUESS I can wait until this weekend for a belly pic... ;o)


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