
My life has been filled with fear for a long time.  It's hard to pin point when exactly it started/escalated, but I know it was there towards the end of summer 2008 when I decided there was something wrong with our TTC efforts.  Once we got the azoospermia diagnosis, the fear really sunk in.  The specific fears have morphed over time and changed as we've passed different milestones.  Some fears have been realized and we have luckily passed through some.

I know that the fears will only change form again and be amplified when our little one is here.  One of my fears now, that has been manifesting in my dreams is feeding her.  In the dreams, I haven't been able to breastfeed, or she hasn't taken to it, or I forget to feed her for a day or two, or I don't see her for a couple of days and my  milk dries up.  These dreams come several times a week!

Before we started our cycle, my MIL got me a Saint Jude pendant.  We are not religious people, but I took the pendant to keep in my purse.  Saint Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases, which seemed to fit our situation.  We were not lucky enough to find sperm with B (one of our biggest realized fears), but we've been lucky ever since.  As I keep trying to clean out my purse, I find this pendant, and can't take it out.  I don't like to believe in good luck charms and things like that, but I don't want to screw anything up!

I'm almost half way (or maybe I am half way) and I can feel her kicking.  B even felt a kick the other day!  It was a total shock to both of us!  I'm feeling pretty good, though I got pretty crampy yesterday.  I don't know if I over did it at work or what.  This is certainly an adventure!


  1. Huh, our realator gave us a little St. Jude statue to put on our fireplace when we were trying to sell out house. She said it was good luck, lol! I thought she was crazy. Glad it worked for you!!

    Happy half way point!!

  2. It's understandable that you've moved from fear to fear through this process. If your St Jude pendant provides any solice at all I say keep it right where it is =)

    Breastfeeding was a big fear for me as well and it went smoothly. One thing that really helped was a class I took on it. If your hospital offers one I recommend taking it, it helped calm my nerves and was the most useful class I took.

  3. We're only a few weeks ahead of you after IVF and I was definitely happy to hit the half-way point. Next mental milestone for me will be 24 weeks -- viability. Haven't felt them move yet, though, so that's my current worry to bring up with the OB on Friday.

  4. I love the St. Jude idea. I need to get me one of those! :) I am so excited for you, and so happy things are going well. <3

  5. This is all so wonderful! For some reason I haven't seen your last few blog posts, and I was thrilled to read how well everything is going. And a girl??!!!! How fabulous!!!!

    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog about students who are unhealthily attached to their mother, and how I don't want that to be Baby B. It really hit home with me. I wish you knew how much. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  6. "I forget to feed her for a day or two, or I don't see her for a couple of days and my milk dries up."

    I had several dreams just like this!

    And yeah, I totally know what you mean--I think it's a lasting IF mark that is hard to shake. It's just so hard to think that everything is really going to happen, you know?

    I was really scared of stillbirth/SIDS for awhile, but a few weeks ago I was thinking of my best friend who will be our birth photographer, and I got this image of a photograph in my mind, where I'm holding the baby right after giving birth, in that moment of pure joy. For some reason after that I knew it would be okay.

    Hopefully as you progress you'll be able to work through your fears, too. It is super normal. (((HUGS)))


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