The donor issue

About a year and a half into our relationship, B and I broke up.  The defining issue was children.  I wanted them, he did not.  Neither of us were willing give on this issue.  His main reason was that he didn't want to be responsible for ruining a child's life.  He didn't think he would be a good father.  The break up lasted two weeks.   I promised to help make sure he would be a good father and agreed to one child rather than the two in my original life plan. 

Fast forward five years and we decided to start trying.   It was a push to get B to agree to kids all those years ago, so naturally I was worried about having problems conceiving and how B would handle it.  I hadn't realized how excited he had gotten about having a little one. 
I never imagined that our problem would be zero sperm.  B immediately said that he was only okay with having kids if they were biologically his.  We worked with different doctors and came up with our plan.  Sperm retrieval the day before egg retrieval with our odds of finding sperm at 75 percent.  We had fallen on the shit side of the odds throughout this process, so I expected the worst while hoping for the best.  The doctor recommended having donor sperm back up in case he was unable to find anything.   We had a lot to think about, though B didn't want to talk or think about any of that.  Eventually he became willing to discuss it, and he decided that he would be okay with using his younger brother as donor back up, that way he would still have a genetic tie to the child.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find any sperm during his retrieval, and on our wedding anniversary my eggs were fertilized with his brother's sperm.  I worried through the whole pregnancy about how B would feel and be towards this child. 
He didn't get too into the pregnancy thing, and I was so jealous of reading about other husbands and how they were responding.  It felt like my pregnancy, though I constantly referred to it as our baby or his daughter.  We didn't talk about the fact that he is not biologically the father after the embryo transfer and still haven't.   I don't know if that is bad or not.  I don't want to bring it up and hurt B's feelings but I am willing to talk about it if he wants to.

As by due date loomed, I became increasingly nervous about how B was going to react to baby girl when he didn't want kids.  He didn't want to even think about donor sperm and our donor sperm baby was on her way.

His reaction to this little one floored me from the first time he held her at just a few minutes old and continues to each day.  The way that he looks at her and talks to her makes my heart melt.  He is head over heals in love with her and it is obvious to everyone who sees them together. 

We haven't told anyone that we needed a donor.  Only the three of us know- B, me, and his brother.  Again, I don't know if that is good or bad or what the right thing to do is.  I just know that this is what makes B the most comfortable and that is fine by me. 

I can't believe that we made it here.   I never thought it would happen but am so glad that it did.  We worked so hard for this little miracle, who is so wanted.   Looking at her and thinking about the path we travelled to get here brings tears to my eyes.  I feel so blessed.


  1. What an amazing story.

    I got pregnant on a cycle where we used a mix of donor sperm and DH's sperm, and we honestly don't know whose sperm did the job. My son looks exactly like me, and not really anything like DH, so that's not helpful.

    We haven't really talked about it either. And the only people who know are me, DH, and my mom (and we don't really ever talk about it either). I also don't know if this is the right thing, but it seems to be the right thing for us. And he couldn't love our son any more than he does, even if he knew he was 100% his.

    Not exactly the same as your situation, but I *can* relate.

  2. Oh Emmy, so beautifully written! There isn't a right or wrong way to go about discussing things like that, I don't think. Do what works for you in your situation, even if that means not talking about it. Bobby and I always said that if we used donor sperm, we wouldn't tell anybody either. I am SO GLAD to hear that B is in love with his little girl. It takes so much more than sperm to make a man a father!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing Emmy, brought tears to my eyes to hear about B's love for his little girl.

  4. What a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Thank you for sharing all of that, Emmy. I had tears in my eyes too, reading about B as a daddy! You just have to do what is right for you and your family - there is no right or wrong here.

    I'm so happy for you and your beautiful little family!

  6. dear emmy, thank you for writing this, for sharing this with us. As you know, we are newly pregnant using ds. Our family knows and has been very supportive, but I worry/think/ponder the long term implications of this choice. My dear husband is struggling with it, while completing supporting me, but it brings up a lot of mixed emotions.

    We went to therapy together for about a year and had a chance to talk about a lot of our fears and hopes there. We will be open with our future children, but I still wonder how it will work exactly.

    There have even been a few times that I wonder why we didn't choose to use donor embryo's so that the 'genetic' connection would be equal.

    These are really complicated things, and I am so grateful that this space exists for us to talk about and explore our feelings about it all.

    thank you so much for sharing.

  7. Emmy, I'd been wondering about this during your pregnancy, as I'd been following your blog all along and you had written about B's attitude towards DS many times. When I first saw the pictures of your daughter's arrival I knew there wasn't an issue! He just looked so happy and so so proud!
    Thank you for this post, it is beautifully written and I'm sure it will help others who are in the same boat. Wishing you and your lovely little family all the best!

  8. I am so happy for you, your DH and your baby girl! In the world of donors I'm not sure there is a right and wrong. You are both giving your little girl your whole heart and that's as right as it gets in my book =)

  9. Infertility is the gift that keeps giving for some of us. My husband was the exact same way when our son was born and I remember being kind of worried that they didn't bond. Now 3 years later they do have a strong connection. That isn't to say this donor stuff isn't easy. I know that my husband still feels saddness about not being able to have a biolgical child, but his love for our son is immeasurable!

  10. I feel like you wrote this for me... it's almost exactly how things have gone for us! I'm so happy that it's turned out so well for both of our families!


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