Decisions Decisions

Today is CD 1 and we are going for the IUI next cycle.  I believe we'll be using clomid for ovulation induction.  I'm super excited, but still need to figure things out.  I'd love any thoughts, opinions, advice, etc. 

As I've mentioned, we moved states 10 months ago, which has created some issues.  Our sperm is in old state.  My old Dr. said they can ship it to us, or we can go back there for the procedure.  We can do monitoring here, and just go back for the procedure.  Or, we can stay just stay here.  We really don't want to tell anyone what we're up to, so in that sense it makes sense to stay here.  On the other hand, I really like my old Dr. and I would love to have some time to visit with friends back home.  We have no trips planned to go back right now and I would really like to go this summer.  It would also be a welcomed escape from the oppressive summer heat.  I think I'm leaning towards going back for it, but keep wavering.  What would you do?

I do have an appt scheduled with an RE out here in two weeks, as I will have to have some monitoring done here.  As a side note, I was very pleased to see a section on the intake form for the new RE for people who have charted.  So often doctors dismiss what we've done to learn about our bodies.  I also like that this new doctor's IUI goes farther into uterus than the traditional, but I don't know what old RE does.  I guess there's a question for him when I call next week.

Also, I'm still nursing.  My period has been back for 7 months and has been a pretty regular 28-30 days (a first for me), except for this past cycle that was 24 days.  Do I need to stop nursing to take clomid?  I know that it may affect my milk and that J might not be thrilled with it, but as long as it's safe, I don't care.  I'd love to continue nursing her, but feel pretty good about the fact that we've gone 15 months.  I don't want to force her to wean, but if she gets frustrated and weans herself, that's okay with me. 

Basically, I'm a whole big mess of confusion and with my period starting today, I realize how little time I have left to get this sorted out before next cycle.  Especially if I have another short cycle. 

So, please.  Ideas, opinions, criticisms, etc are welcome and appreciated.  Thanks for reading!


  1. Clomid is safe to take while nursing, but like you said it can kind of kill the milk supply. So she might wean or she might dry nurse, who knows! I took Femara/Injects while nursing (my son was 21 months at the time) and I'm not so sure if it affected my milk supply, but getting pregnant immediately certainly did! Now I'm 22 weeks and have pretty much no milk, but my son (26 months) still requests to nurse. He did, however, cut down from about 5 nursing sessions a day to 3, and now 2.

    Personally, I would have the sperm shipped to my new RE and use a different reason to go back home to visit. It is a serious PITA to have to travel far away for fertility treatments. However, that is me, and it doesn't matter one way or the other. It's just the level of hassle you are willing to deal with. I'm a low-hassle kind of girl:)

    Good luck with everything!

  2. I'd wait until you meet with the new RE to make the call on where to have the IUI. If you want an excuse to go visit friends/family, this is a pretty good one =)

    I wasn't sure about the Clomid but it looks like Lauren has that one covered. Wishing you tons of luck on your IUI!


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