
Since starting TTC, I've gained 20 pounds. Yes, 20. That is two clothing sizes on my body. I was never 'thin' to begin with. I've always hovered around the top of the healthy weight for my height. I do know that a lot of that has been because of athletics and and the muscles that I carry, but this right now is ridiculous. I've past healthy for my height. What is interesting is that I still consider myself relatively 'fit.' I've been swimming a mile before work (it takes me about 40 minutes), I have the stamina for an hour aerobics class, I can hike with husband for 40 minutes going up and down and not be too out of breath (except for that last hill at the end), yet I've put on so many pounds! Is this excess bagage keeping me from a BFP? I've cut down what I eat, I've tried to be more active, yet I stay the same or go up. Should I get my thyroid checked? Any suggestions?


  1. Unfortunately, weight gain is a side effect of TTC. I don't know how it happens, but it does! I gained 25lbs over the course of a year. I think a lot of it stems from paranoia... During the 2WW, I think "Am I eating enough to sustain a pregnancy? Maybe I should eat more" and "Maybe I shouldn't exercise this week... I could be pregnant!" and then there's also "It's ok if I eat this Snicker's bar, I'm going to get pregnant soon anyway!"

    If you have maintained your normal routine and all of the sudden have ballooned for absolutely no reason, then I'd definitely consult a doctor... otherwise, chalk it up to ordinary TTC pounds. It happens to everyone.

  2. How is the weight coming?I have gained bout 15 pounds and it is so frustrating. I go to the gym with a trainer twice a week...cardio of some sort 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes. IT SUCKS. I am trying to eat lean protien and lots and lots of veggies...um, until I see mac-a-roni and cheese....or mashed potatoes....or..um..I will stop there.


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