first check

I had my first monitoring appointment today. They said that my follies were not as big as they had hoped, but that it sometimes happens with people in my age range and they have a growth spurt later. My E2 is 156. I have around 15 follicles growing. They didn't give me exact numbers, but about 10 are in the 7-9mm range, and 5 are in the 4-6mm range. I'll go back on Saturday for a recheck. In the mean time, they're keeping my meds the same- 225 of gonal-f in the morning, and 2 vials of menopur in the evening.  I hope that the follicles grow and get to where they should be. 

Yesterday's Menopur was worse than the first day.  There were a few things that were different.  First, I was standing up yesterday, and sitting on Monday.  Second, it was at room temperature yesterday and cold on Monday.  Today I will try cold and sitting.  I notice that I'm getting sore spots on my tummy.  It will make the rest of the days interesting if this continues!  

I'm out for some fun tonight.  I wonder if they'll notice that I'm not drinking...


  1. My day 3 check E2 was only 187. They didn't do an ultrasound that day. Good luck!!

  2. Don't worry, it's super early in the stims for any follie to be very big. Look forward to hearing about your next check!d

  3. Good Luck. I don't have any experience, but I certainly hope tings are going well. I also hope that the sore spots aren't too bad.


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