Day off

Yesterday was a nice day off for me.  I really didn't leave the house over my 3 day weekend, which made it feel pretty long. 

Perhaps not the smartest idea, but I spent yesterday on the couch reading IVF/IF blogs and watching the Jon and Kate + 8 marathon.  An interesting dichotomy, to say the least! 

I don't know why, but I feel like I have started this week with a weight lifted off of my shoulders.  I don't know if reading about others' struggles made me feel better about our outlook, or if the humor I read in some blogs affected me more than I thought.  Either way, I'll take it while it lasts.

Next Tuesday is the big urology appointment.  I'm a bit anxious for that, and know that my formerly banished (due to ttc) ativan will come in handy that day.  I'm sure I'll feel completely differently next week or perhaps tomorrow or in  a few hours, but I'll enjoy this peace while I can! 

<I wonder if this has something to do with last night's ativan, or the large quantities of alcohol I consumed over the weekend....>


  1. Glad you enjoyed your day off. Reading other IVF/IF blogs mostly makes me feel a bit better too (although sometimes it can also completely freak me out). Good luck next Tuesday. *ICLW#39*

  2. The comfort I get out of watching J&K+8 is that they had to try long and hard for their children ... and just how positively adorable those kids are!

  3. I love J&K+8! :-)

    Thinking about you for your appt next week.

  4. I'm glad you are feeling good even if it is just for right now. Don't feel bad about not leaving the house sometimes I spend a full day in front of the computer really achieving nothing other then ignoring life but once in awhile that is just what I need.

    I will be thinking about you next Tuesday.

  5. I think I worked myself into a frenzy before each of DH's urologist visits that I attended. I think it was mostly because DH looked so nervous and I wasn't used to seeing that. My thoughts are with you guys!

    *ICLW 66*

  6. GL at the urologist appointment! I'm always so excited and nervous before (hopefully) informative dr. visits like that. My DH has a female urologist which was a little weird :)



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