pretty much as expected

Well, the doctor didn't really have anything to offer us. He asked some questions, and pretty much said that part of B's reproductive factory is broken. The testosterone making part is working, but the sperm part, not so much. He is recommending a testicular ultrasound and a repeat s/a. The step beyond that is a biopsy. So far, we are under the blanket of B's insurance and we can have the biopsy covered too, but if they find anything useful, it will go to waste. He gave us the name of a fertility clinic, one I already found and bookmarked, and told us they could do the biopsy too, we'd pay for it, and anything found could be frozen and hopefully used later. It's hard to know what to do. I think we'll wait for the u/s and labs, visit this doctor again and go on from there.

The doctor was impressed by what I knew and B was glad to have me there. I wish we came out of this with better news, but I didn't really expect that. So, onward ho!


  1. Sorry to hear you didn't get any good answers.

    Hugs and good luck!

  2. I'm sorry it wasn't a blockage but I am glad you still have a few options which will allow you to have a child. Even if you have to wait a bit to save some money it is definitely possible.

  3. Sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for. Our situations are so similar, it's surreal!

    All the best,

  4. {{{HUGS}}} I'm sorry hun. I wish the doctor had more answers from you. Perhaps the u/s will be able to provide more insight.

  5. Sorry to hear the news wasn't better. However, with biopsy and ICSI, if they even find one sperm, there is a chance for a biological child. Good luck with your decision.


  6. I am sorry to hear as well that you didn't get any definitive answers. It really stinks. Unfortunately this whole journey is wrought with waiting games. I wish you luck with your decisions, and want to tell you that I understand 100% what you are going through. Our only chance for a biological child is finding sperm with the MESA procedure next week/ going thru TESE. But, I am keeping extremely hopeful and positive because as Kristin said above, It only takes one!!! Just know that you are not alone and we will all be here to help you through which ever path you choose!!! (((HUGS)))

  7. Sorry you didn't get any better news. Just take things one step at a time. Your baby will come. Somehow, someway.



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