this just in...

lab results from 2 weeks ago....

LH- normal
Testosterone- normal
FSH 25.2 (14 mIU/mL above highest end of normal range)

So, it appears that my husband is in some sort of testicular failure. I know we need to urologist to give more info, and I have not found a ton of good stuff yet on the internet, although I have only spent about 5 minutes looking.

Not the news I was hoping for, but when is it ever?


  1. Could that mean there is an obstruction? I obviously don't know much about this at all- 2 minutes of googling:) but it seems to me that having two values in the normal range is better then all of the values being off.

    I am still hoping that your appt next week brings some good news!

  2. I hope they can figure out a way to get your DH back to a sperm making FSH. I don't know much about it either...we go in today at 150 to find out about our azoospermia cause. I have my proflie blocked for personal concern (I have another blog my family follows) By blog is

    Good luck girl.


    I found you on the ICWL list on The Stirrup Queens website.

  3. I am sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for. That is so hard. Hugs from ICLW.

  4. I am sooo sorry!!! I wish I knew what to tell you, but I am not too sure. My DH's hormone levels were all okay so they believe that his is NOA; Which is the worse of the two. I will pray for you that if it has to be anything, that is obstructive. Good Luck! Hang in there!!!

  5. arg! you totally need more info. hopefully you can get good info and move past all of this finally!!!

  6. I'm so sorry. That really sucks. I'm dealing with male-factor issues, too. I was thinking about your earlier post, asking how we "deal" with this shit. The answer is that we just do, because we have to. Every time something new happens that makes things even worse, that makes it even less likely we're going to have a kid, I wonder how I'm going to cope. But then eventually, we just do. "Normal" shifts over a little bit, to a new way of life, and I just try to go from there.

    You might find that your guy's thoughts on DS shift after awhile. Right now, he's just getting used to the idea, and men are notoriously slow at catching up to reality. Give it some time.

    Good luck.


  7. Don't know how to interpret those numbers. Whatever it is, I hope things turn for the better. Prayers!


  8. Emmy I found you! I am glad I can keep in touch with you like this. I REALLY hope that they are able to find a quick fix for you guys.



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