When it rains it pours...

Just because having no sperm isn't enough....

I found out that I may lose my job!  Because the CA budget is in such shambles, the state is looking to make major cuts to education.  That translates to 6-8 million for my small district of 12,000 students.  This will likely lead to our wonderful class size reduction being taken away, which will cut about 45 elementary teachers.  We have 600 teachers district wide, so that is a fairly large reduction in staff. 

Great.  Thanks.  Just the good news I needed.  To any of you who live in CA, please contact your state representatives and ask them not to cut the education budget.  You can go here: http://capwiz.com/nea/ca/issues/alert/?alertid=12194556&PROCESS=Take+Action  for easy access.  This is not just for my job, it is for your child's education.  Imagine how much more individual attention your child will get in a class of 20 kindergartners learning to read than they would with 30+ kids in the class.  I know it's possible and manageable, but the things you can do with a smaller group is fantastic. 

The state even said that it may be issuing IOU's for state income tax refunds.  Someone at a staff meeting asked if there was talk of doing that to our pay checks.  My response was, if they do, they better expect an IOU for my property taxes! 

So much for that vacation... 


  1. So sorry to hear about your work worries. Hope it all works out for you.


  2. I'm not in California so I can't help you with the petition unfortunately but I strongly agree that small class sizes are in the best interests of everyone. I hope that you will not be one of the teachers whose job is cut, and that things will finally start looking up for you.

  3. Crazy ! I really hope it turns out alright !!

  4. I'll be thinking of you! Hopefully it won't come to that because you are right it is the children that suffer.

  5. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that all of this is going on..of course only adding to your stresses of IF. I will keep fingers and toes crossed for you. I am in NJ so I can't really help you with the petition..I'm sorry. I apologize for not reading more, but what are you and DH doing with the whole non-sperm thing? Are you trying any procedures or DS or adoption?


  6. Its me again! I wish you sooo much luck for next tues. I understand completely how much the waiting sucks!!! You really just wish time could fly. I am hoping for you that it is something very simple and easily fixed. I'll definitely be reading along.



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