Happy iclw!

This is my second iclw. I really enjoyed it last month. I got to find lots of new blogs to read and also got my blog out there a bit more. I still feel pretty new to this whole thing!

Here is my story, for those who are visiting for the first time:
  • B and I met in 2001 and married in 2006
  • Ditched bcp last Feb. to start ttc
  • B's semen analysis 12/08 showed zero sperm count- azoospermia
  • Follow up labs show extremely high FSH levels for B, indicating B's pituitary knows that he is not making sperm correctly, all other hormones levels normal
  • Urologist has no answers- orders testicular u/s and repeat s/a
  • Now I'm waiting for B to schedule his u/s
So, that is where we are.

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted kids. B and I broke up a year and a half into our relationship because he said he never wanted kids (afraid he was too selfish to be a good parent and just generally insecure about the thought of being responsible for another). This lasted 2 weeks, until he decided that I was worth it, and we compromised on one child. A few months later, B tells me that he wants two kids, because he couldn't imagine life without his brother. B finally gets excited about fatherhood and we find out about the azoo. At this point, B is adamantly against donor sperm or adoption.

Where will this road take us?


  1. Male factor can be frustrating because it is so much harder to fix men than it is to fix women. There is only so much you can do. Then there is the emotional factor. When we discovered we had male factor, it was really hard on Hubby. He just wanted to hide.

    All of that is a roundabout way of saying I can understand your point of view.
    From ICLW.

  2. Happy ICLW! I hope that your husband makes his apt soon. I always seem to have to make all of my husbands apts because he has dr phobia or something.

  3. Hi, here from ICLW.

    My hubby has severe MFI and we use donor sperm. Pre-diagnosis he was not pro-donor but once we knew definitively that there was no other way for me to get pregnant he was on board.

    I too hope your hubby makes that appointment - it is hard waiting and not knowing and in IF, time is your enemy!!

  4. Happy ICLW! It is nice to meet you. I love finding new blogs. I hope all your dreams come tru for you soon!

  5. Here from ICLW. Thanks for the background. Sounds like you fit right in with all of us--not that you'd want to!

    We have pretty decent male factor also (1% normal morphology) so IVF/ICSI has been our road for the past year.

    Good luck getting the US scheduled...just might have to do it yourself!

  6. Here from ICLW.

    I second (or is it third?) that I hope your husband is able to get his u/s soon. Hopefully, the u/s leads to an "easy fix" and you two can be on the road to children soon!

  7. Here from ICLW..and I agree..you might just have to make the push to ge the hub to schedule the u/s. My husband could get his foot cut off and wouldn't go to the doctor..Frustrating! Good luck and keep us updated..Oh and great intro!

  8. Wow, I have to jump on the ICLW train next month - I totally didn't know about all the fun to be had! :) It's nice to hear an intro from you, even though I've "known" you for a while now.

  9. I'm so sorry about your husband's diagnosis. I'll pray for you that the doctors can fix whatever is causing the azoospermia so you can have children together! ICLW

  10. Lots of hugs to you!! I am going through the same thing right now. My husband's US is in a few weeks. YIKES! I hope that as you guys progress he might open his eyes to adoption or donor sperm. Maybe even embryo adoption? Good luck girl!

  11. This is my first ICLW... I've not had steady internet access until now!

    It stinks that as your husband got more excited about parenthood was the time when he was diagnosed. My husband was initially opposed to using a donor and so we went through IVF with 2 TESA surgeries.

    Hang in there and take things one step at a time.


  12. I loved reading your DH's progression towards wanting kids. My DH's has not been so dramatic, but I can relate. He always wanted kids in a theoretical sort of way, but actually HAVING them was unappealing. One thing I am thankful for is how the IF journey has made him really want kids. Sounds like it's the same for your DH. We're MFI, too. GL!!

  13. Male factor does seem to have more of an emotional side to it than it does for women. There is just so much societal crap attached to those little swimmers - ugh. DH finally asked me about donor sperm this month; it's something we previously haven't considered, but may be an option as he also remains rather closed-minded about adoption.

    I hope you guys find your path soon!

    Hugs, and happy ICLW!

  14. what beautiful pictures and a great "backyard" to have!

    I'm a MF girl too, and look forward to following your journey. Good luck!


  15. hey! here from iclw - good luck on your ttc journey!!!


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