
I really like the rain. I hate driving in it though. I used to love going out and jumping in puddles and playing in it. I still like the rain now, although it inconveniences me more than it used to. My favorite is to be home, warm, dry, with a hot beverage listening to the rain. Like right now. Nice.

Why is everything about babies? Every show I watch, person I run into, etc. all have baby something going on. I'm ready for a break!


  1. I hear you! EVERYONE is pregnant it seems, and there are babies everywhere :( It hurts so much...

    I love the sound of rain, too. I'll turn off the radio/TV when it's raining so I can hear it better. Enjoy it!!

  2. Ooh you should come to Hamburg it rains here constantly. I have to say the thing I miss the most are thunderstorms, we rarely get them here, and I love sitting in front of the windows cuddled up with a book, watching the lightening crackle and listening to the thunder boom. I could go for a good thunderstorm right about now.

  3. I'm in complete aggreement! babies, babies, everywhere And even my mom feels the need to tell me when people I "know" are preggo. Gaaa!

  4. I love getting caught in the rain... running through it... jumping in puddles. It always makes me laugh :)


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