
Well, we finally got the referral for the testicular ultrasound. DH is nervous to schedule it. I don't blame him. Anyone have any experience with these? Should I go with him? Why does this have to be so hard?

One baby shower down, (hopefully only) two more to go in the next couple of months!

I'm having a good weekend sitting home while it rains and is cold. B just went out for some groceries so I can make him cookies tonight. Yum.


  1. That must take some super-woman courage to go to baby showers, Emmy. I don't think I'll be going to any anytime soon... I feel bad about it, but I just can't do it. Any advice? Were you ultimately glad you were there for your friend(s)?

  2. I was glad I was there for my friends, but it was hard. Fortunately, I was with one of the coworkers who knows my situation and she started the party off great with a few snarky comments. And we went from there. I couldn't have done it without back-up.

    I'm most worried about the one at the end of March-- for one of B's cousins. His family is flying across the country to be there and to hang out with me. How can I say, "Don't ask us about kids!" without raising suspicion? Any ideas?

  3. Can you have DH deflect their questions? Sometimes I will tell my DH before we see his parents to deal with their annoying, pushy comments/questions about our IF/RPL issues because I just don't want to deal with them. Often times he's able to talk to him mom ahead of time and talk to her about keeping her mouth shut... doesn't always work, though... but it works better than me giving them the cold shoulder or just plain being rude when the subject arises.

    I don't know... that's a tough situation! I feel for you :( I just had to tell my mom that I will not go to the baby shower of an old friend of mind (our moms are BFFs) - she's going to have to go alone or not go at all. I feel bad, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

  4. Has your DH had the testicular US yet? Just curious. We go friday for my DH's ultrasounds. Yippe!! Did you have my blog?

    I hope you are doing well!


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