Kinda miss boring

Yesterday I spent 6.5 hours at the doctor and at labor and delivery.  I've been having pain on my left side above my hip, and it started getting really bad yesterday.  I called the Dr. and they were able to see me after work.  Dr. thought it was likely something having to do with my kidney, so he sent me to the ER for a renal ultra sound.  They, of course, wouldn't just do it and made me go to L&D first to be monitored.  Baby was doing great and I wasn't having any contractions, so I got to get in line for the ultra sound.  During the scan, the tech couldn't find my right kidney and the left was enlarged and backed up.  Turns out I don't have a right kidney, so the left is working extra right now. 

My OB called this morning, after talking to a urologist, saying I needed to go see the urologist today.  The urologist was really concerned with my test results from yesterday, and ordered blood work to check my kidney function.  She doesn't think that I have a right kidney hiding anywhere, based on the size of the one on the left, which is where the biggest area of concern comes in.  She ordered repeat blood work for Monday and a repeat renal ultrasound.  She said that if today's blood work came back really bad, I would have to go in for surgery this weekend to put a shunt from my kidney to my bladder.  Fortunately, the results came back better than expected.  She said that that can change in 24 hours, but it's good for now.  I could have a kidney stone or baby/uterus is pressing on my ureter (the tube from the kidney to the bladder), causing the pain.  Because of the pregnancy, they can't do the tests that they'd normally do to find out what's going on.  In the mean time, I get to strain my pee to catch any stone that passes and I have a prescription for vicodin for pain.  

Apparently, it isn't uncommon to only have one kidney from birth.  most people don't even know about it unless they have an abdominal CT or a surgery that shows it.   Hopefully I'll have more answers next week.  


  1. wow. I don't really know what to say other then the fact that it's great the results were better then expected. Hope that you continue to get good news.

  2. Wow. Thinking of you and the baby. Hope everything is better soon.

  3. Hey, this exact thing happened to me when I was pg with Eliza! I think I wrote the exact same post from my hospital bed (they admitted me and I ended up spending TWO nights in the hospital - blah!) - and I KNOW the pain and how bad it is. :( I'm so sorry, I feel so bad for you right now. The nurses told me that the pain I was feeling was similar to what labor pains would feel like, and I remember when I was in labor thinking "yep, that kidney pain was actually as bad as labor"

    Ah, pee straining... I had forgotten about that lovely task ;)

    I hope you don't have to have the shunt put in. Thinking of you!!

  4. That's crazy! I hope your blood work keeps coming back better than expected. Sorry you're in pain...hopefully they can figure out a way to help you soon.

  5. oh my goodness Emmy! What a crazy week you've had. and pretty scary too, i can only imagine.

    I was just thinking that I can't believe that you are already at 31 weeks. It seems like only yesterday that you announced your bfp.

    Your little one is strong, and so are you. Take good care of yourself and keep us posted.

    Love to you - Foxy

  6. Oh Emmy this totally sucks, but I agree, I'm glad for now you don't have to have the shunt! I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Wow Emmy, that seems so bizarre. I'm glad you're in the hands of doctors who know what they're doing and will take care of you and your little peanut. Good luck girl, we'll be thinking of you.

  8. OMG! How crazy to go in with a little pain and find out you only have one kidney! Praying for you Em!!


  9. Wow that is crazy!!! I hope you won't have to get the shunt put in


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