unclaimed money!

So, a coworker was talking about finding a state website that shows you if you have any unclaimed property. My coworker found that she and her husband have almost $1,300 from the sale of their house a few houses ago! This, of course, prompted me to look up myself and B, and I found that B's old job owes him $914!!!

I know it is not a ton, but that is a nice addition to savings! It's like a bonus month saving's contribution. I feel like it s a free grand towards our IVF fund.

Also, job wise, I should find out next week if I'll get a pink slip, and if so how far down the list I am from being rehired. I am number 23, so if they lay off 25 people, I'll be the third to get rehired if positions open back up. At first, it looked liked they were going to lay off 45ish, and now it should be about half of that. So, that puts me right on the edge. If the district decides to furlough a few days, it will be less than half. So, here's hoping for 2-3 furlough days and people deciding to retire because they don't want a pay cut and an increase in class size!

ETA: The website I found the unclaimed property at is: http://scoweb.sco.ca.gov/UCP/ . I think it is only for California though. I'm sure you can google the website for your state!


  1. Wow that's cool!! What's the website?? $914 is a lot of money!!

  2. That's great! I used to live in CA and my family still lives there. I found my sister has $316!

  3. That's awesome! Sperm aspiration plus IVF/ICSI is so expensive - every penny helps. *ICLW*

  4. I've awarded you with An Honest Scrap Award. Take a look-see here:

    Congrats, and keep up the blogging. I love reading your blog.

  5. WOW!!! That is a lot of money!! I am totally going to look and see what is out there for me. Good luck with your job. I grew up in the 80s with my father owning a business that went belly-up. I was just a kid, but I had to grow up fast emotionally. I hate for anyone to have to go through the loss of a job. I will definately be praying that you are okay.

  6. Ugh. Waiting for the pink slip is no fun. But how great that you got a little windfall! (ICLW)

  7. Great news about the money!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you...I HATE that we are in this situation and any of our precious CA teachers are at risk.

    Hopefully even if you get the slip, they will be able to re-hire many people back (that happened to my husband a few years back). It is terrifying, though, either way.

  8. WOW, congrats on finding that money! I'm hoping everything turns out well for your job. Good luck!


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