what to say?

So, I haven't been writing much, but I don't really feel like I have a ton to say!  I'm still waiting for B to make his u/s appointment- which, at this point, will probably be in a month or so.  So, nothing new on any baby making front.

Valentine's Day was nice.  We had dinner with my parents, then watched a movie and drank some yummy drinks.  Sunday was lunch with B's parents.  That was nice, but a little..... strained.  We hadn't seen them since New Years, which is just too long in his mom's mind.  She forced us out.  She knows about TTC, but not about why it hasn't happened.  It'll probably be time to tell her soon. 

Since New Year's eve, and the azoo diagnosis, we really have not seen much of family and friends and have been in a nice social lull.  That is all about to end!  Our lack of social events has been really good for me the past 6 weeks or so.  I am sad to see it end.  Now, we have things planned every weekend through March!  I'm already stressed out about that and am wondering when I can have some downtime again! 

So, nothing new (or happening) on the TTC front.  My hope is to try to get through all of B's testing and hopefully find that we have some sperm for ICSI by the end of March/early April.  Then, hopefully testing and junk for me can happen April/May to hopefully cycle June/July (assuming I don't lose my job and we can figure out a way to pull $20,000 from our butts).

So, that is why I have nothing to say!


  1. Even when you think you have nothing to say, you say a lot, and it's always good to hear how you're doing. GL with all the socializing over the next couple of months, I know exactly how hard that can be at times!

  2. I am not a big fan of busy social calendars. Luckily for me DH works nights over the weekend so it is a built in excuse.

    I have a friend dealing with azoo, I know how hard it was for her to hear about it. Best of luck to you.


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