back to life, back to reality

I went back to work on Tuesday. It was hard. I was most worried about seeing everyone at the beginning of the day. I wanted to get to work early, sneak in, and just hide in my room until school started, but I was late leaving the house. So, lots of kids saw me and ran up to me, and a few teachers saw me as well. Kids came running up to me, "Mrs. M., Mrs. M.!" Hugging me and telling me they missed me. This nearly sent me to tears. They followed me as I briskly walked to the classroom.

Everyone knew why I was gone for 5 days. My brother went to the school that I teach at. His class picture hangs on the wall of the multi-purpose room. A ceramic tile that he made is cemented into school property. His friend's mom is the school nurse. Even though I've only worked there since late August, I've made great friends of my grade level teammates. They covered for me, wrote sub plans for me, arranged for the sub the first 4 days, and even attended his service on Saturday. Their help and support brings me to tears. People being kind and doing nice things for me makes me want to cry and sometimes does. I don't know why.

I made it through the day, with a little medicated support, and have made it through work every other day. I haven't been tutoring after school-- I just want to go home and relax. I'm hoping to pick that up in the next week or two. 10 more days of school until spring break! I can do it!

Thank you for your support through this. I really appreciate it. Sorry I haven't been commenting. I've caught up reading, but haven't been able to comment back. I'll try to catch up this weekend and from here on out. I haven't forgotten about you, I've just been busy.


  1. Emmy, I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but it seems you are at least starting the road to recovery (not that you will ever completely recover). And don't feel bad about not commenting, we all know you have other things on your mind.

  2. My blog is down, but I'm still here for you.


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