
It has been two weeks exactly (nearly to the minute) from the discovery of my brother's dead body. I was sitting at my desk at work, right where I am now, when the phone rang and my mom told me the horrible news. The past two weeks have, understandably, been a whirlwind of emotion for me.

I left my mom's house two weeks ago and all I could think was that I wished I were pregnant right now (well, duh!) because I felt like we needed something positive. Part of me still feels that way. My family really needs something good to happen, and I wish I could give that to them. He left a big hole when he died in the hearts of so many. A new addition to the family would not fill that hole, but hopefully it would take up some space inside so that the hole is more squished.

Now, at this point, I think I might be too afraid to even try to have kids. I don't know that I could handle a loss. I am too broken and shattered to deal with anything other than happy-bunny thoughts/events. I know that this could change over time, or even in a week. Right now, I don't think I'll be a mother. I can't handle my world crashing down on me. This sucks. The whole thing sucks.


  1. Oh I am just so sorry :-(
    (hugs) from me too.

  2. Oh Emmy, I am so sorry. I understand that feeling very well, just in a different way. It's like our bodies and spirits just can't handle any more. Many ((((HUGS)))). You will be in my heart and my thoughts.

  3. I am so sorry. What an awful two weeks you've been through. I can't even imagine what you are feeling now, with regard to a future family. Maybe time will help you work through the difficult feelings and emotions.

    I'm sending you a huge hug. Take care.

  4. {{HUGS}} Emmy, I can't even imagine how hard this must for you. I've been thinking of you.

  5. Emmy, I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I wish there was some sort of guarantee that you would get pregnant so that you wouldn't feel another loss. I'm thinking of you...

  6. Huge (((HUGS))

    I'm really sorry Emmy!

  7. I am so sorry. ((((Hugs Emmy))))


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