
Now I am sick. I have a cold. It really came up suddenly. Yesterday, a little tickle in the throat and today the nose faucet won't turn off. Now I am really glad that I had planned to take all of tomorrow off. I'll have a lot of time to rest and sleep (hopefully) before the burial at the cemetery and dinner at my house after. It is a lot less people than it would have been if it were not postponed, which is easier on me. But, I did make two trays of lasagna for the event, and now I don't know if I should cook both of them tomorrow night. I probably should. Even if that means I am eating lasagna for the next several days, I'll do it. I guess I can give some away too. Food is good. Hot cheesey, melty, deliciousness. I hope I can taste it tomorrow!

In non-death related, infertility news, I made an appointment for my husband to go to a male infertility specialist. It's in about a month. The appointment is going to cost a pantload of money, but I think it will be good. It will either close the book on our biological children for good, or give us a wee bit of hope, if we ever decide to go there. I just want to know our options.


  1. Sucks to be sick on top of everything :(

    I really hope the male infertility specialist can help you guys! I'm keeping my crossables crossed for you!

  2. I hope everything goes as well as can be expected.

    I also hope that the news you get from the male infertility specialist adds a ray of sunshine to your year so far.

  3. Sorry to hear you are sick :( Ugh!!

    I hope DH's appt goes well and gives you some hope :)

  4. Ugh, I hope you feel better soon. And that the specialist can give you some hope. You deserve it!

  5. I'm so sorry you are sick on top of everything else. Poor thing.

    I hope the appointment next month gives you lots of information and hopefully some good news, too.


  6. Hope you're feeling better. I am so sorry you're having to deal with sickness on top of everything else.

    I really hope that the infertility specialist can help!


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