
I got on the scale this morning, in my pajamas, and the digit in the 10's place was a number lower than I've seen since last June! I'm only two pounds under that decade milestone, but it feels good none the less! I hope that next weekend I'll be able to report that I am now in the middle of that decade rather than the top!

If I can't have kids, I at least want to make sure I don't look like I just did or am going to soon.

My BMI is down 1.5 points since the beginning of March. 3.5 more points until I'm in a "normal" weight range. That's 23 more pounds, 80,500 calories to burn more than I eat. I'd love to accomplish this in 12 weeks. That's July 18th. I'm gonna do it.


  1. Good for you! That's some great progress you're making, Emmy. I'm really impressed - I am never very successful at losing weight.

  2. You can totally do it!!!!! Great job!!!

  3. That is awesome! You are doing great. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have that control? Keep it up girlie!


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