A great article!

The end of the school year is a whirlwind.  State testing this week, open house, packing up my classroom, finishing the curriculum, preparing for a difficult test in less than two weeks, plus tutoring after work 3 days a week and music rehearsal one night a week, and I am finding myself with no time!  I hate it!  I've been reading blogs but not commenting to the degree that I like to.  Also, I really want to spend more time reading Tertia's book again, as well as a stack of others.  I should be in bed by now, but I need time at home, and can't bring myself to get home at 9:20pm and go to bed less than half an hour later. 

One of the things I did have time for today, was a bit of internet browsing.  I came across this fantastic article, Say the Right Thing:  Helping a Loved One with Infertility.  As the title implies, it is written for people know about your (my) infertility to help them understand better, or at least realize that my reaction to things is normal.  I wish I had this a few months ago, to help a few family members understand why we are acting the way we are.  Better late than never, I guess. 

I want school to be out so I can have a break, but at the same time that means I am unemployed and have no health insurance.  For some good news, a teacher announced her retirement yesterday for a position that I am qualified to teach.  Also, two teachers took other positions in the district that free up their spots.  So, that moves me three closer (at least) to getting my pink slip rescinded.  So, I think I am now like the 5th or 6th??  Rumor has it that they are going to rescind some on 5/15... I could have my job back in 10 days!!  But, I am trying not to get too hopeful.  In any event, if I pass that test on the 16th, I'll be credentialed to teach 2 subjects at the high school/middle school level.  Hopefully that will help. 


  1. I really hope you get your job back, Emmy! It sounds like the chances are good!

  2. Great news about moving up in priority for re-hiring! I do hope that you get a position, and soon so you don't have to worry through the summer.


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