coming to an end

It is that time of year, when the school year starts coming to a close. There are 14 more days of school! That is an exciting and scary thought. I know I am going to be changing classrooms or grade levels for next year, which can be daunting. I've changed a lot, so I am not too worried about it. It just makes it hard to know what to do with a lot of my stuff.

Tonight is open house! I worked on my room all afternoon and now have two hours off until I have to go back. It is so much work! I ended up sort of cheating and taking my piles of stuff and putting it in the work room! Oh well! There will be time to clean over the summer.

I feel behind on blogs and commenting, and am trying to do my best. These next three weeks are going to be busy! After that, however, I'll have more free time than I want and be anxiously waiting your updates!

I haven't forgotten about you, I've just been busy.


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