how does your garden grow?

So, I was supposed to take a big test today to add to my credential. This morning, I decided that I was not going to pass, so I didn't even go. I totally chickened out. I wouldn't have passed, and I know that based on how I did on the practice tests. I decided to not even try. Man, I suck!

This week for Show and Tell I will give you a garden update! You can see what it all looked like a month ago.

The upside-down cucumber is doing really really well! I need to put more dirt in there but even still! I think it has grown more than the one in the ground! (planted the same day, from the same 6 pack)

At first the watermelon seemed to do really well and it looked like all five cucumbers had died. Then, one cucumber (left) came back! The watermelon (right) seems like it is coming back too.

The tomato plants sure have gotten bigger! I need to get a few more cages for them! I hope they all start fruiting soon! Right now, one plant has two tomatoes! I forgot to take a picture of those.

Head on over to Mel's and see what the others are sharing!


  1. Well you don't suck at growing big and bountiful plants! So sorry that the exam didn't work out. Maybe it gives you more time to prepare again? I had to take multiple state license exams for my credentials, and they had me in knots!

  2. I would love to be able to grow things like that. I have a black thumb. Your plants look like they are in the care of someone who knows what they're doing. :)

  3. Yippee for the two tomatoes....Hope the garden shapes out fantastic!

  4. I've been thinking of trying the upside-down tomato myself...

  5. I love it! I wish I could grow stuff... I can't even grow my own nails much less an actual plant...

  6. I am always impressed with anyone who can keep plants going.

  7. WHAT?! There's am upside down thingy for cucumbers, too?! I didn't know that! Great job on your plants. How exciting to watch them bear fruit!

  8. I love all the growing things. They all look great.


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