oh yeah...

So, we had the appointment today. The one with the expensive doctor. No genetic issues. No chromosomal abnormalities. No reason for NOA. The choices ahead of us:

1.) Repair large vericocele on left and medium on right, wait 6 months- a year, repeat s/a (doctor says this has between a 30-50% chance of working to get sperm in the eja.culate)

2.) Go with IVF off the bat and do a mTESE-like procedure the day before the egg retrieval and hope for sperm. (doctor says 75-80% chance of finding sperm to use with icsi) Downside to this is that one in four to one in five chance of nothing. Doctor suggests donor sperm as a backup. I'm ok with that, B is not.

3.) Adopt- again, I am okay with this, B is not

4.) Live child free-- B is okay with this, I am not.

In other news, I get Friday and Monday off this weekend. B and I are going to his parents house Friday morning and are being picked up and driven to wineries for 5 hours and dropped back off. Then we are staying the night at his parents house-- they are out of town. Saturday is my birthday and we are going out to dinner sometime after we get back from our wine country adventure. I hate my birthday. Every year, I hate it. 21 was a good one, but that is about it. I wish the calendar would skip from April to June, or at least over my birthday. Sigh. What a great year this has been in my life!


  1. Dang, girl, I'm sorry! I'm sorry you don't have better options and I'm sorry this can't be any easier. As far as the disagreements with your hubby go... well I wish I had some advice but I don't. To a certain degree I'm there with you. I want to continue to persue treatment, he does not. I hope that an answer finds you quickly and that you are able to enjoy your birthday.

  2. I wish there were more/better options for you, Emmy. I just wish NOA wasn't part of your life - I wish I could take it away :/

    Have a great time tomorrow, taste lots of wine! Are you going to Paso?

  3. ((HUGS)) I wish there were better options out there for you... ones with 100% chance of success!

    It sounds like you have a really fun weekend planned! Hopefully it can take your mind off things for at least a day. MMM... wine!
    (and Happy Birthday!) ;-)

  4. humm...we are in the SAME exact spot. My DH's inital chromsomal workup is fine...only difference is the TRUS(showed no seminal vesicles)...our new surgerical uro says that he wants to do a retrival from DH...and freeze it if they find it. Then later I would cycle.

    My DH is really having a hard time with Donor Sperm also. He is more open to adoption (after birth)...I would rather do DI then donor embryo, THEN traditional adoption

    My DH's problem is that he just can't believe he doesn't have anything. Until they tell him he doesn't he won't think about the next step. THAT IS HARD.

    I am with you- living child free doesn't appeal to me. It is so very hard- my heart goes out to you.

    Good luck and {{{HUGS}}}

  5. I am so, so sorry the news wasn't better. I know it isn't easy for the men. I hope he comes around to some of the options.

    I hope you can enjoy your weekend-it sounds like lots of fun!

  6. I came across your blog, and realized your husband is in the same boat I am. It's a tough thing to go through. I wish you and your husband the best. If it would make him efeel better have hime read my blog.



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