can't stop

I'm having one of those days where I can't stop crying.  I don't think it is any one thing in particular, rather the sum of all parts.  I miss my brother.  I want to call him and talk to him.  I need his advice.  I held little babies three days this week.  I did better than I thought I would, but it still made me sad to know that most likely, it will never be my baby I'm holding.  I still don't know what to do with work.  I interviewed to go back to the school I spent my first 4 years teaching at.  I won't find out if I got it for a while, but I don't know what I will say if I do.  I miss a year ago.  I miss my optimism for the future and my brother.  I miss having my life make sense.  Almost an ignorance is bliss thing. 


  1. I hear you. I held my sisters baby this week, though only for about 2 minutes as that was all I could take. My eyes have been 'leaking' at inopportune times ever since.

    I talked with a friend about returning to school for my pHD. Because I can't think of anything else to put in my future right now...

    I miss looking forward to what 'will be' that what 'will be' is a complete mystery.

  2. {{HUGS}} I am sorry sweetie. I have no soothing balm...just lots of love.

  3. (((HUGS))) I am so sorry Emmy. I'm thinking of you, wishing there was more I could do to help take your pain away. Some days are easier than others, that is completely normal... but it definitely doesn't make it easier. :/


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