garden update

Today is my husband and my third wedding anniversary. It's been a crappy year, but we've pulled through together. I almost feel like if we make it through these hurdles, we can make it through anything. We went out for a nice dinner to celebrate.

I posted pictures when I started the garden, and again about a month later. Well now, here we are a little over a month after the last garden update! I took some close-ups of the actual plants this time. The plants are getting pretty big, but nothing is ripening yet. It's been a relatively cold June after a blast of heat in May. I'm not complaining-- I just want some delicious tomatoes to ripen so I can eat them!

These are the early girl tomatoes. They are supposed to be done first, 56-63 days. Well, it's been over 60 days and they are not turning red yet! I wonder if it is because of all of the 'June gloom' we've had this year.

From Blogger Pictures

Ok, here are the 'lemon boy' tomatoes. They should ripen to a nice golden yellow. These came from the same six-pack that my mom got, and she has picked and eaten tomatoes already! It is hotter where she lives and she did get it in dirt before I did, so I know that matters. Mine has more and bigger tomatoes growing on it than hers, so I think they like my weather better!

From Blogger Pictures

Next up is the big beef! These are supposed to grow to 1-2 pounds! You can see that they two of them are already pretty large! I can't wait to see how big they get!

From Blogger Pictures

And, the beginnings of a cucumber! This is the one that is hanging upside down!

From Blogger Pictures

So, that is where the garden is now. If I can't grow children, I'll grow food to eat! I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my 'babies'!

Go visit Mel's and see what the rest of the class is sharing!!


  1. Great pics of all your veggies. My garden has fallen prey to the bunnies.

  2. Great pics of the garden. It looks great. My hubby's tomatoes have not ripened yet, either. The plants are huge, and we have a lot of tomatoes, but nothing really ripe, yet. I am sure they will get there. Trying to be patient.

  3. Yummm...I love growing tomatoes! When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat tomatoes unless they came out of our garden - to me the grocery store ones didn't taste right.

    Cute little cucumber too :)

  4. we are doing our first garden this year. it seems to be going well. we have lots of sun.

  5. Nice job! You're going to have beautiful tomatoes soon! We've had the June gloom weather here, too. I'm hoping for some nice warm days, soon. Although my irises LOVE this weather.

  6. Great job! My tomatoes look like they're about the same stage as yours. I check them every day, hoping to see a tinge of red (or yellow or purple). Gardening is so much fun!

  7. AWWW!I love it! I LOVE totatoes! Like little slices of sunshine if you ask me! Looks like your cuke is a little peen. :) LOL!!!

    Happy Anniversary!!!! YEAH!!!

  8. I am so envious! I am tentatively trying my hand at a little herb garden again... but I have a notoriously black thumb so it may all be for naught! It looks like you're going to have some great veggies!

  9. Congrats on your third anniversary! It is amazing what IF does to a couple- both strengthening and otherwise. I am so glad you've been there for each other to hold on to.

    Your garden looks great! I am sure your tomatoes are just waiting for a nice, hot and sunny day. :)

  10. Happy Anniversary! I know this may sound weird, but I actually have some fond memories of fertility hell. It was something that brought us together and didn't drive us apart, which I'm sure can happen.

    Now we have a beautiful daughter (adopted) and we're a family.

    Great job on the garden; gardening just isn't my thing!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Your early girls look great - mine haven't even sprouted fruit yet, but we're in for a heat wave this weekend so hopefully that helps them along. Great looking garden. You'll be making tons of gazpacho soon :)


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