glorious weekend

The wine weekend was awesome. I didn't get to go to all of the wineries that I wanted to, but I'll be back there in September, if not sooner. This was easily one of the best weekends I've had in 2009-- my birthday weekend is up there too. I almost got drunk enough to forget about our IF!

From my list before, I only made it to two of the wineries! We did go to five others not on the list though! It was hard for me to dictate where we were going, since we were in a short bus with 4 other people. The driver made all of our decisions. Of the additional five we went to, two of them will be on the list to revisit! We will definitely go back to Castoro Cellars (Dam good wine, as their motto says) and Eberle. We (only, ha) bought nine bottles wine and port. I would have liked to get more, but it is hard to justify spending the money, after I just bought a car.

The couple that we went with is a TON of fun. We did lots of silly things, including building a beer tower in our hotel room.

We are such children.... at least we recycle! Yes, we were drinking beer on a wine trip (and not good beer). These were Friday night's cans.

If I can't get pregnant, at least I can get bombed!


  1. It sounds like a fun weekend. I found it usually helps to get drunk enough to forget about IF. Always a good plan!

  2. Stop by my blog either later tonight or tomorrow. The giveaway results from the great animal exodus are going to be posted.

  3. Sounds like you had a blast- which is great!!!! Keep it up:)


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