post 100 and a decision

This is my 100th post! I feel so new in the blog world, but also strange that I am not posting about infertility crap much anymore, because there is nothing going on. But, here's to 100 posts! And, there are even a few readers out there! Thank you, to all who read and support me. This world is amazing.

I haven't yet made a decision about how to proceed with the infertility, but I did make a work decision. I am not leaving schools. I am going to stay at the same school I was at last year and be at the lower grade. It will be the easiest start to the school year I've had in a few years. I like having the decision made. Thanks for your help.

My aunt had a mastectomy this week, and is doing ok. I think the best thing to come of this is that my mom is busy taking care of her sister. She has something to focus on other than my brother's death. I need to get pregnant to give her a grandchild or two to focus on. She needs things to live for, as do I.

Oh, it's SUMMER!!! I am officially on break! I don't have to go back to teach until August 24th! Woohoo! (although I will probably go back a little early to get things set up) I am tutoring quite a bit this summer. It is pretty good money, and I am helping out a friend by taking a lot of her jobs while she recovers from major surgery. It's good to have things to do, but I need to make sure I have plenty of down time. Maybe next summer I can be cycling, or getting ready to. I just don't think it is going to happen this summer. I do want to make some appointments with REs, pick one, and start gettng some of my tests out of the way. Why do I feel like I will soon be posting complaining that summer is over???


  1. Yay for Summer! Glad you made a decision about school so now you can sit back until late August and enjoy the SUMMER!!!

  2. Happy 100th post! I'm really glad that you made a decision about work; hopefully that will make you feel a little more settled with things. How nice to have the summer, but with some tutoring to keep you busy.

    I'm sending your aunt positive, healing thoughts (and you and your mom, too). Don't get down on yourself for not "giving" her a grandchild - you are doing your best! I know, easier said than done...


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