
Oh, what's wrong???


No, really.... what's wrong?

Uh, I'm okay. 

Why do you look like you have been crying?

I guess because I have. 

But why?

So many reasons, so little time.  The flood gates would not close yesterday.  It was so bad, I locked myself in my classroom and turned off the light during recess, lunch, and after school.  I recently used resilient to describe myself.  I'm starting to feel like that rubber band that got stretched out so many times that it just can't go back to it's regular shape.  I can't even get close to getting back to my normal shape before I am stretched again.  I'm starting to worry about that breaking point.  I feel myself getting closer and closer to that point.  This whole work thing on top of everything else is just too much for me. 

Sigh.  When is this going to get better?

In good news, I wore a pair of pants today that I haven't fit into for over a year.  Still really should lose 20 pounds though...


  1. Oh Life could be a lot more easier.... I read through your previous...and I see more merit in continuing at your current place...obviously, you know your situation the best!...Just hang on there..

    Give her a break, God! A lucky break!

    Hey, thx for the comment on my blog....It really is what you said it could be...drafts and posts were bundled and counted together!

  2. I'm sorry emmy!! I hope that things get better for you very soon! (((HUGS)))


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