let's begin

I had a lot of fun this week!! On Monday, we went to see Incubus at the Hollywood Bowl. It was a fantastic show. If I could go again tomorrow, I would in a heart beat! On Tuesday, one of my good friends flew into town, so I picked her up at the airport and we hung out and ended up seeing Harry Potter that night! There is a theater not to far where you can reserve your specific seat ahead of time, so we did that and didn't have to wait in line!! Then we hit up some outlet stores on Wednesday before meeting up with her mom later. That night, I went to play Bunco with some coworkers. Lots of excitement!


This weekend, we are headed to a two day wine festival! It should be a fantastic adventure filled with laughs and alcohol. I just hope not to get too drunk! We shall see. We are leaving town in four hours, so I'd better get going!


This week, I had initial consultations with two different REs. They were actually more different than I thought they would be.

doctor 1: (part of large clinic)
  • 2007- 592 cycles in my age group, 32.4% live birth rate
  • Close to home, free parking
  • Doctor wants to do everything-- start with CD 2-4 blood work and work from there- was my first introduction to the dildo-cam. (ovaries and uterus normal, thick lining on CD 29)
  • Clinic is a bit of a revolving door. Sit and wait, walk back and pay, sit and wait, walk in door two and wait for doctor in office, talk to doctor, back to waiting room to wait, exam room, and done.
  • Will start with birth control pills, add lupron, stim, hopefully find sperm, retrieve hopefully 15-18 eggs, icsi, transfer 2-4 day 5
  • Thinks having varicoceles removed is a good idea and will improve anything in there
  • Didn't talk to financial person, so I need to call back
doctor 2: (two doctors in his clinic)
  • 2007- 54 cycles in my age group, 44.4% live birth rate
  • 30 minutes from home, 10-15 minutes from work, $2 to park each time
  • Doctor is a minimalist- assumes I am fine, cd 21 baseline u/s and start lupron assuming u/s looks good, stim, hopefully find sperm, retrieve 15-18 eggs, icsi, transfer 2 day 5
  • Doesn't think it's worth it to have varicoceles removed, just go for it
  • Long wait, but I went back and talked to the doctor, then the financial person
  • Doesn't recommend that I buy more than one cycle- we'll only have one shot
  • $7,000 doctor fee, includes all monitoring and visits, $1,000 icsi, $1,500 operating room/anesthesia fee, $500 sperm ID, estimate about $3,000 for meds for a total of $13,000. (of course this doesn't include anything for B's procedures)
I need to get the costs for doctor 1, but putting that aside, does one sound better to you? I think I have a way that I am leaning, but I am unsure. What do you think??


My aunt, my mom's sister, has breast cancer. Well, I guess she had it, since she had a mastectomy. She is supposed to start chemo soon, but has some swollen glands and now has to have needle biopsies of her glands to make sure they are okay. As I mentioned in my last post, my mom is a wreck and this isn't helping. My mom says her breast has been aching and she is worried that she has cancer now too. It is difficult to deal with it all.


I've been wanting to take a trip for a while. I looked at things for my spring break, which was in April, but we decided against it. I looked again for the summer, and again decided not to spend the money. This past weekend, we were talking about vacations, and I decided to look up some last minute deals. I found that I could use my airline miles to get to Hawaii and the hotels were a lot cheaper than the last time I looked (since they had openings)! So, we leave on Wednesday, for a week! I am very excited to spend a week on Maui. There is a lot I want to do there, including making sure there are days to do nothing but hang out at the beach or the pool. The place we are staying is sort of remote, and doesn't have a restaurant or anything, but we can walk to some in 15-20 minutes.


I think that's it. Let me know what you think about the doctors!


  1. Hi Emmy! Wow, quite a busy week you had. I'm not sure I have any advice about the doctors, it is such a personal decision. Make sure you keep track of ALL expenses related to the treatments, because there are some great tax deductions, including the IVF, parking, mileage, meds, etc. Let me know if you want more information, I have a huge spreadsheet for our recent stuff.

    I'm sorry this is such a tough time for you and your family. I agree with Lorza's comment from before, that if you can think of some really specific requests then people will have a better sense of what to do. Bring dinner on a certain date, etc.

    Hang in there. WOW, Hawaii, I'm so envious! Be sure to relax in the sun, and have a great time!!

  2. If I were you, I'd go with dr 1 (assuming you talk financials and it makes sense). I would want to be sure that there is nothing wrong with me before starting and IVF cycle. But it is a personal decision.

    I'm sorry your family is going through such a tough time. You guys really deserve a break.

  3. I agree with Missy. Without knowing the personalities, it sounds like number one is more involved with you and how well you are in order to do the IVF. Sounds like they would do all they could to get you pg, whereas the other is just like here it is we'll hope for pg but who knows if it'll work. That's just my thoughts though. You got to do what you feel in your heart is best. If there is one you are leaning towards, either call the office and ask stupid questions to see how they respond to you because we all know we get stupid questions later and you want someone that will answer all questions and not treat you like you are stupid. Hugs!

  4. Hi! I found you through Blogger Bingo and can't stop reading your blog. (I'm using this post for Harry Potter!)

    When it comes to Doctors, I find that I don't mind the waiting as long as they are attentive and thorough once it's my turn!

    I really hope whichever Dr. you choose brings you the best of luck. I will definitely keep reading!


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