
I have a lot to post. My brain is a scattered mess of it all, and I don't know whether to put it all in one post and break it into sections, or put it in multiple posts.

Most pressing right now is my mother. I'm finding myself needing to take care of her and resume a parental role to her, as I did after my dad died. I am finding myself resenting her for it this time and don't know how to handle it. I don't have the emotional capacity to take care of anyone right now. What people don't understand is that I was grieving our IF before I was grieving my brother's death. I can't rebuild her just yet. I need someone to help rebuild me. I think I have the support network, if I asked for help, I don't know what to say to people, and they don't know what to say to to me!

Next post to include (hopefully) stories of the REs and the choices to come, vacation, fun things I've done the last few days, fun things this weekend, cancer, and questions about grieving.


  1. You have so much on your mind now- I could see how it would be so hard. Asking for help is the hardest part- but I am sure people would want to help you. These people in your life may feel like you WANT to be the rebuilder since you 'did it last time'.

    I hope you do ask for some help, but I really don't know what to tell you say. Perhaps go in with some scripted phrases so you have your thoughts together. Ask for specific things ie "I need help in spending time with Mom in the evenings" or "I need you to take mom to her weekly XXX" Make sense?

    I know sometimes people want to help, but they don't know what to do- or feel if they suggest the wrong thing to do they may offend you.

    You definately need to take care of yourself-emotional wellbeing is JUST as important as physcial well being.


    Can't wait to hear of the vacays and RE visits soon!!

  2. I'm so sorry that you are going through all of this at once. I can't imagine how hard it must be. While I haven't suffered the loss of a family member, I feel like I had to do some of the same thing with my mom after her divorce. At one point I just had to step back and realize that I couldn't do it all for her. I do spend lots of time with her still but have had to learn to take some time for myself when I need it. Hopefully you can find that happy medium. I'll be praying you!

  3. I can't even imagine... take care of yourself first!

  4. You do have a lot going on. I hope you get all the help you need, and I hope things get better


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