
Today was a crappy day, and now I can't sleep. It was another one of those floodgates opened days that just would not stop. I had to deal with a stupid lady for two hours that was a constant reminder of everyone who has died on my dad's side of the family. It didn't help that as this moron was talking to me about my brother's, I could see my father and brother's grave site out the window. The whole thing was just a reminder of how my dad's family treated my brother and me after my dad died.

And now, I can't sleep. I tried, but I just kept dry heaving or crying. Hopefully an episode or two of Sex and the City will help.

I've been sighing a lot recently, and I don't even notice that I am doing it. Today, when I was waiting in line at a store, I did it, and the person in front of me turned and looked at me. I don't even know why. Then tonight, I was doing it again and B kept asking if I was ok or mad at him.

Things are going to get better, right?


  1. Oh, if it were not for Hope, there would be not much....it is going to be better!

    Am so sorry that some people are being so bad to you....

    You have to make sure you can turn your focus onto something creative, and enchanting...

    Feel better soon!

  2. Ack! I totally get the sighing thing. People at work even pointed it out to me...I guess I'm now fed up even unconciously.


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